The Best Time To Revamp Your Portfolio

A portfolio - especially a design portfolio - is one that gives a slight peek into your work over the years. Graphic design companies share their portfolios, but here's the catch - they often revamp their portfolios before sending them to clients.

If you're providing graphic design solutions in the USA, you should know when to update your portfolios and present yourself accurately to your clients. 

When should you revamp your portfolio?

It might be a bit too harsh on yourself to exclude many of your designs, but knowing where to draw the line is what makes a good design portfolio for white label graphic design companies in the USA.

Answering the following questions will help you get a clear understanding. 

Are the designs old? 

The main question you need to ask - are the existing designs in your portfolio old? If yes, you know what to do. Graphic design companies can't showcase older works when newer designs are being created every day. 

What do the designs reflect? 

Your design portfolio should always reflect the kind of work you want to get. For example, if you are looking to do white label graphic design in the USA, your portfolio should display your strengths in that genre of work.

Are your designs relevant? 

It's best to avoid including older designs, but if they are still relevant, you should definitely include them. Moreover, if your work involving graphic design solutions in the USA are some of your best efforts despite being old, you must include those, as well.

What binds your portfolio? 

One of the most important questions for any design portfolio, this could make or break the entirety of your work. Does your portfolio have a particular narrative or theme that binds the works together? In case it doesn't, you should look into it and revamp the portfolio altogether. 

The essential thing while building a design portfolio is to have fun with your content. In fact, stressing over a portfolio could ruin the outcome completely. For graphic design companies that offer graphic design solutions in the USA, a portfolio is the one true way to showcase their creativity.