How To Design A CD Jacket

What do you mean by a ‘good’ music album?

For me, it is the music that matters. You don’t judge a book by its cover, nor do you judge an album by its CD cover. 

However, I’ve seen graphic designing companies near me put extra effort into designing a CD jacket or cover. This is because first impressions have a lasting impact. If the cover design is artistic, I would naturally expect a proper artistic album. 

But how does a graphic designing company design a CD Jacket?

Steps To Design A CD Jacket

A CD jacket requires some thought before it comes into existence. There are a few aspects to ponder over a company’s graphic design services to create a CD jacket.

Identify The Music

In order to design an album cover, it’s important to clarify the kind of message it sends. A graphic designing company can pick up the general notion of the album to design its cover. Think of the emotions that you want people to feel when you’re producing an album, and try to replicate that on the cover. 

Take Inspirations

The whole music fraternity survives on inspirations. Naturally, a graphic designing company would take inspiration from the album covers of yesteryear, as well. That doesn’t mean they would copy the designs. Instead, the new cover would look like a distant relative of the one it’s inspired from. 

Colour Psychology

Believe it or not, different colours make us feel differently. A blue-coloured CD jacket will not feel the same as a black-coloured one. The graphic design services of noted designers ensure that the colour scheme and psychology are ingrained within the CD jacket, helping in the overall USP of the CD.


Imagery is as crucial for an album cover as the theme of the music. Photographs or painted images of faces attract the audience more than anything else when it comes to an album cover. Graphic design services companies focus on this particular point to sell an album.

Designing a CD jacket is quite difficult, let alone designing a good one. Graphic designing companies near me try out different designs and options for the bunch of album covers that they make.