4 Website Design Mistakes That Every Designer Makes

Designing is one of the essential points to take care of while making a website. Whether you are beginning your career or in the middle of a transition, everyone makes mistakes. Be it a designer from a white label design agency or graphic design companies mistakes are the stepping stones to becoming a pro in designing.

1. Insufficient Research

After getting a brief from the client, thorough research on the kind of work needs to be done by the graphic design companies. Insufficient research would lead to developing the creative that would not send out the right message and too many edits can happen. Potentially you can make the client dissatisfied and he may look for another company to get his job done. Analyze and find out what went wrong and what was missed out.

2. Overloading Images And Flash

One of the most compelling design principles is “less is more”. As a designer in a white label design agency or in graphic design companies, it is a tendency to stuff too many images in the same images that creates clutter, and the website fails to generate an impact. Overwhelming flash animation can make the page loading slow and prompt the visitor to leave.

3. Spelling Mistakes

One of the most basic mistakes any designer can make is spellings. We hear it over, and over again that be it portfolios or creatives for a website spelling mistakes definitely takes you back to rework again and again. Designers in graphic design companies need to keep a lookout at spellings to create a positive impression on their clients.  

4. Bad Content Layout

One of the fundamental mistakes that a designer in graphic design companies makes is developing a website that is loaded with too much information on the home page. Too much amount of text, graphics can make the page look clumsy and divert the attention of the visitor.

The above mistakes need to be carefully considered by white label graphic design agencies or even graphic design companies to create compelling websites that would increase traffic to the website and garner attention.